
Hydrolog Research, Project and Consulting Services

Designing Hydrotechnical facilities

Designing hydrotechnical facilities – water reservoirs, dams, main water pipelines, hydroelectric power stations, irrigators, sub-irrigators, intakes, water treatment plants, pumping stations, hydrotechnical tunnels, canals, collectors, level coordinating, coastal protection, shore strengthening, channel regulating, fish release and fish protection facilities, as well as other special engineering and technical facilities used to use underground and surface water resources and prevent harmful effects of water;

Designing Amelioration facilities

Designing amelioration facilities – design of interconnected hydrotechnical and other facilities and buildings complex (canals, collectors, pipelines, reservoirs, dams, pumping stations, aqueducts and other facilities and structures located on reclaimed land), as well as protective forest plantings, used to regulate the water-salt regime in the meliorated lands;

Designing Engineering Systems

Designing engineering systems –water supply and sewage systems, heating and gas supply, cold supply, ventilation and air conditioning systems, communication, design of electricity supply systems, radio and television systems, control-measuring devices, fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing systems;

Architectural design of construction facilities

Architectural design of construction facilities – architectural solutions of buildings and facilities, development of relevant projects for restoration of architectural monuments;

Designing Building Structures

Designing building structures – design of construction structures of buildings and facilities (concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, stone), pipeline crossings and retaining walls.

Development of Projects Special Sections

Development of special sections of projects – development of construction works organization and preparation of estimates.

Implementation of the chief designer function

Implementation of the chief designer function - in this section, work is performed in each field of activity.